CLIENT STORIES: Through Monique's Eyes

I was having a lot of problems and I just didn’t know which way to turn. I thought getting rid of my unborn child was the best option that I had; that doing so would make all my problems go away.
So, I got up one morning and decided I would end the life of my precious unborn baby boy. Not because I am a cruel person, but because of a troubled relationship and financial problems. I thought that it didn’t make sense to bring a baby into this world to these conditions.
Well, I was sitting in the parking lot of the abortion clinic in full despair not really knowing if abortion was the right decision. I wondered what would happen if something went wrong and I didn’t wake up and get off that table. Could I make an abrupt decision that would change my life either way?
I figured this had to be done, that I had no choice. I walked to the door but it was locked. I was surprised because it was the time of my appointment.
When I walked back to my car I saw the pro-life demonstrators and saw the terrible pictures, but it did not change my mind. When I walked by, someone handed me a pink booklet that read, “What They Don’t Tell You About Abortions.” While I sat in my car and waited, I opened the pink booklet and started to read. Some of the information provided made sense-like what it said about breast cancer or the negative mental effects of abortion and all the bad health factors involved.
Then I was confused and a bit afraid of the consequences of abortion. I had all these thoughts running through my head when a man knocked on the car window and asked if he could pray with me. That prayer changed my life forever; I never went back to the door. He told me to go to Pregnancy & Family Resource Center where I could get help.
That was the best call I ever made because I was emotionally distraught and just needed someone to listen to me and tell me things were going to be okay.
The ladies I met there were very helpful. I received the emotional support I needed and baby supplies. I thank God that there are people who care so much when you don’t even care about yourself and are at your lowest point with no where else to turn.
My son was born in November 2012. His daddy, big brother and I love him to death. I can’t believe I wanted to abort him. I can’t stop kissing him because he is so precious!
I can’t tell anyone what to do, but abortion is wrong because it is taking the life of an unborn miracle. No one said it would be easy, but there was help for me at the Pregnancy & Family Resource Center.