Ashley's Story

My name is Ashley. The Pregnancy & Family Resource has been a blessing to me for over two years. When I first came to the center, I already knew I was pregnant. The scary part was that I didn’t know how to handle it. I grew up as a Christian, and always had God in my heart, but I looked to the world for answers. Because I had strayed from God, and I didn’t know the first step to get my life right with Him, I was asking people who do not believe in God for advice. They told me, “You’re too young. You’re not financially stable to raise a baby. You really should consider abortion.”
As a freshman in college, it was very easy to think selfishly. To be completely honest if it was not for Pregnancy & Family Resource Center, I would have listened to that advice and missed the biggest blessing God has ever given to me besides my salvation: The amazing joy and love I receive from Skyla, my little girl.
The Pregnancy & Family Resource Center not only provided me with biblical knowledge, but also gave me the confidence I needed to become a strong Christian role model that I strive to be for my daughter. The center provided me a place where I could be honest and feel comfortable with the mistakes I have made. They gave me resources and knowledge to make things right, not only for my little girl, but also for my personal relationship with God.
My advocate, Angela made me feel comfortable so that I could tell her the truth and not feel condemned. I was able to share my feelings in a safe place. The advice I received from friends was correct in one area. I was not financially stable to raise a baby, but through God and the loving people who donate their time, money and spiritual guidance to help young parents, the center helped to make it possible.
These people genuinely care about children who never asked to be conceived. Every child deserves life. They give true information about abortion, parenting and adoption. They never make you feel as if you have to make a decision based on their own opinions, but tell you what the Word of God says.
This center uses the things people donate to help change lives. Everyone could use some help. It’s not just for young mothers. The door is open to anyone. They help with the emotional part of parenting, but with the physical needs as well. For instance, my husband was working to straighten out his past mistakes and wasn’t able to be with me during my pregnancy. I wanted a baby monitor tso he could hear our baby’s heartbeat. God touched the heart of someone to donate this amazing monitor, which made it possible for my husband and me to hear our baby’s heartbeat together. I could never say thank you enough for this experience. Donations plus God makes anything possible.
It doesn’t matter what you donate. Everything given helps Pregnancy & Family Resource Center to accomplish the goal, which is to protect and defend life. My family and I can never express how thankful we are to have been blessed by those who served us and those who have given to us.